Trinity Diaries


Somme Sector 1, Trench 26

30th June 1916

My Beloved Wife, Sarah

Nobody’s told us anything, but I’ve got a feeling we’re going over the top tomorrow. I think this is the big one, the big push. We’ll take Jerry by surprise, push him back to Berlin in no time.

I’ll get some leave before then, of course. I’ll come to St Germaine, we can rent a room at the pension and have our wedding night. I can’t wait to be alone with you, hold you in my arms. Oh, Sarah, I love you so much. You looked like an angel in your wedding dress, as beautiful as any in Heaven, even when you started to get muddy. It broke my heart having to leave you, but at least we got to say our vows, at least we became Mr and Mrs Davies.

We’ll be together again soon, I promise. I’ve got a bit of pay saved up so, if I can get a decent amount of leave, we could go to Paris. How would that be? You could dress like a grand lady while we parade along the Champs-Élysées, or go up to visit the artists in Montmartre. We’ll have a wonderful time.

You ARE a grand lady, Sarah, my lady. I’m going to cherish and care for you for the rest of my life. I’ll work hard so we can buy a cottage of our own. We’ll have lots of children and grandchildren. I’ll take you to Wales so you can meet my family, and we can go to Ireland to meet yours. I can’t wait to start our life together, Sarah, you mean everything to me.

I’ll have to close now, it’s getting dark, and we’re not allowed any lights tonight. I’ll write again, soon as I can.

Your Devoted Husband, Always,

Billy (Corporal William Edward Davies 41268955)